Are you listening to your customers?
As they say: You cannot improve what you cannot measure; but the paradox is you cannot measure everything – happiness, hatred, anger… but you can measure customer satisfaction. Yes, you can measure customer satisfaction by analyzing likes and dislikes of your customers. You can gauge popularity of your website or products. You can also:
Opineo allows you to do all of this and much more without signing up for an account or hire an expert. This DIY tool enables you to listen to your customers’ voice easily and instantly. All you have to do is go online, design your widget and place it on your website.
This Feedback Collection and Polling widget is free for personal and commercial projects as long as you are providing a link back to this page. If you don’t want to provide a link back, simply contribute to the development and improvement of this tool. To contribute to this and many other interesting projects, go to Support Efforts and become a patron.
Before you make any cusomization or even start using Opineo create a 'div' element and assign it some id. Now add references to necessary Javascrip files e.g.
The following customization options are available in Opineo:
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#DefaultOptions').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:3, view: 'detailed', animation_speed: 'super', show_total_votes_counter: false, show_overall_rating: true}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#CompactView').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:3, view: 'compact', animation_speed: 'super'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#MiniView').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', callback: myCallback}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', animation_speed:'slow'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', animation_speed:'mild'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', animation_speed:'fast'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', animation_speed:'super'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', animation_speed:'ultra fast'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', votes_label:true}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', votes_label:false}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', show_votes_counter:true}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', votes_label:false}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', star_1_text:'Hate It'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', star_2_text:'Don't Like It'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', star_1_text:'Its OK'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', star_1_text:'Like It'}); }) </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function (){ $('#opineo').opineo('results.php', {curvalue:0, view: 'mini', star_1_text:'Love It'}); }) </script>